You have dedicated years of your life to building a successful business and it has now come time to consider selling. Most entrepreneurs have never sold a company so the process can be unfamiliar, confusing and laden with emotion. The stakes are high and the outcome can vary widely so it is important that you get this right. Attend the Exit This Way seminar and hear from business transition experts on a variety of key topics including:
- Business Planning to Maximize Your Exit
- Tax Considerations Before Selling
- Valuation and the Selling Process
- Understanding Legal Considerations
- After Selling Your Business: From Concentrated Assets to Diversified Portfolios
Attending this session will give you the information and contacts that you need to successfully sell your business with confidence. This seminar will be most relevant to owners of profitable companies with revenues in the $5M to $75M range.
Wade Winkler, Partner and member of the firm’s Corporate/Commercial, Mergers + Acquisitions, Banking + Lending, Real Estate and Environmental Practices, will be speaking at this seminar.
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