We advise clients on multiple aspects of intellectual property law, including trade-marks, copyrights, licensing, industrial design, trade secrets, confidential information, biotechnology, software and other technology issues.

Our Expertise

Our clients are involved and actively engaged in diverse industries including the software, music, film, health, information technology, manufacturing, publishing, service and travel sectors. Such clients include artists, musicians, film and television performers, entrepreneurs, digital media creators, and software developers.

Passionate about their innovative ideas, our clients provide the creative energy necessary to make their opportunities successful. Our lawyers provide sophisticated legal tools and services so that our clients’ ideas and opportunities are protected and secure.

We monitor trends in emerging media and technology for any potential legal impact on our clients and seek to apply innovative approaches in solving their intellectual property challenges.

Our Services


We are registered Canadian Trade-mark Agents and regularly prepare and prosecute trade-mark applications, represent clients in trade-mark litigation, conduct trade-mark and name searches, obtain clearance and pre-clearance both nationally and internationally and conduct trade-mark licensing. For clients involved in globalized name and mark arrangements, we draw upon a wide network in other jurisdictions to ensure smooth delivery on an inter-jurisdictional basis together with multi-jurisdiction applications under the Madrid Protocol. We also assist clients in enforcing trade-mark rights and in resolving disputes in administrative forums and the courts.


Our Practice members provide advice on Canadian copyright legislation and international copyright conventions. We advise copyright holders on infringement and enforcement and draft and review licence arrangements. We also assist clients to register and protect their copyright both in Canada and internationally.


Our clients develop and commercialize new technologies, software and innovative products and services. Our practice is dedicated to helping individuals and entrepreneurs with software and technology developments, including use of “open source” code, licensing, technology transfer, systems acquisitions, technology aspects of commercial transactions and mergers, distribution agreements, information technology, service level agreements, managed services agreements, joint ventures, strategic alliances and the Internet and e-business.


While our practice members do not serve as patent agents, we do advise clients on the licensing and acquisition of patent law rights and other contractual issues related to patents.

Industrial Design

We assist clients in preparing and in prosecuting industrial design registrations in Canada. We also provide appropriate referrals to United States agents in connection with design patents in the United States.

Industry Involvement

Our lawyers are actively involved in a number of industry associations including:

Networks + Affiliations

Representative Matters

  • We have extensive experience negotiating and preparing confidentiality agreements, supplier agreements, and intellectual property and information technology design, licence and ownership agreements.
  • We have worked with clients involved in the commercialization of innovative products and services including providing advice on product liability, and strategic planning.
  • We have acted for Canadian and United States based talent management agencies with clients in film, television, music and influencer fields.
  • We have acted for clients in trademark strategy and branding disputes.
  • We have acted for a variety of authors, artists, photographers, web designers, agents, promoters and musicians, negotiating and preparing artistic rights licence agreements, and publishing agreements and advising on all matters pertaining to the protection of artistic proprietary intellectual property.

Our Litigation Work

We work with our clients to develop comprehensive litigation strategies. We regularly act for clients in matters relating to disputes involving confidentiality agreements, copyright, industrial design, licensing, trade-marks, trade secrets, patents and passing off.