The Seven Stages

You’ve got questions? We’ve got answers.

Disclaimer: Did you really think we would provide any advice without a disclaimer? Actually, the following is more of an explanation on the purpose of these materials than a disclaimer. Click here to read more.

Stage 1: Choosing Where to Article

Law students have many questions to consider when thinking about their articles. When should I start to think about what I want in a law firm? How do I choose a firm? What courses should I take in law school? We’ve put together our answers to these and some related questions in “Stage 1”.

Read Stage 1: Choosing Where To Article  

Stage 2: Articling Interviews

Students told us they would like more information on what to expect at, and how to prepare for, student interviews. Well, like all good lawyers, we certainly have our opinions! So we thought we’d share them with you in “Stage 2”.

Read Stage 2: Articling Interviews  

Stage 3: Managing Interview Week

Is there anything more hectic than student interview week? Not for us, either, quite frankly. So here is some information on what happens, why, and tips that might help you to be better prepared. You’ll find this information and advice in “Stage 3”.

Read Stage 3: Managing Interview Week  

Stage 4: Choosing an Area of Practice

In this section, we discuss some aspects of the practice of law, particularly, how some areas of the law are categorized and operate in practice. While this discussion is only cursory, we hope it provides you with some insight to help you investigate and make more informed decisions about the areas of practice in which you are interested. More information on choosing an area of practice in “Stage 4”.

Read Stage 4: Choosing an Area of Practice  

Stage 5: Structure of Articling Year

In this section, we discuss how the articling year is structured. We have found that, because students are often so focused on finding a firm in which to article, they do not always have a good sense of what actually happens during this year. We hope this brief discussion provides you with an indication of what you can expect when you commence articles. Find out more about what the articling year is like in “Stage 5”.

Read Stage 5: Structure of Articling Year  

Stage 6: A Day in the Life of a Student

We often get questions from prospective articling students about what our students really do during their articles. Do our students spend most of their time researching? Do they interact with clients, lawyers, and staff? Do they work with one another? Do they have any fun amidst the new found challenges of legal practice?

To give you a first-hand view, we went right to the source. We asked our students to prepare a diary of one day spent in the office. The names have been removed to protect the innocent.

Read Stage 6: A Day in the Life of a Student  

Stage 7: Tips on How to Survive Your Articles

You have secured your articling job, finished law school, and are ready to start your legal career …now what do you do?

Although you’ve successfully navigated through three years of law school, many of your legal lessons just begin when you commence your articling year. Like anything new and somewhat uncertain, the prospect of starting work in a law firm can be stressful. In order to try to lessen that burden, here are our 20 tips on how to survive your articling year, from the mouths of our seasoned articling students.

Read Stage 7: Tips on How to Survive Your Articles  


Should you have any additional questions regarding our firm or our student programs, please feel free to contact Christine York, Director of Associate + Student Programs, who oversees our student recruitment.

Christine York  |  Director, Associate + Student Programs  |  604 484 1735  |